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Hong Kong 's share transfer stamp duty


Q: My company needs to share transfer , it involves a question of stamp duty , stamp duty on share transfer calculation , the total assets (my Hong Kong company Registration of a million , but the actual release of thousands) are subject to issued share capital or registered capital subject to it?

A: First of all shareholders and directors of what is the difference? (Shareholders have bought shares in the Company 's investors , directors are responsible for managing the company's head , illustration, like HSBC , you can buy HSBC shares at the Stock Exchange , is a shareholder , then a group of people appointed as directors of the company .)

to do a calculation of stamp duty , simply, is to follow the company's total assets multiplied by 0.00225 , which is what you need to play every transfer of shares stamp of the .
First of all, your company is worth millions, if you want to transfer shares ( to transfer two million ) the number of issued shares your (( million) , that you would like to turn eighty thousand shares .

< p> for example, if your company's total assets of one million words , 20% of the shares , equivalent to two hundred thousand assets , and then multiplied by 0.00225 , that is, you need to play the stamp duty , plus HKD10. in fact, you know and do not know, not very important .

because to teach you how to calculate the total assets , is a long thing, very simple, as long as you fill in a copy of our company the share transfer forms, whom to whom , and then to us , signing authority , then we will go and play your program the stamp of .

your company has not yet opened to a year , there is an operational , when we will help you to do one more so called management of a / C, is FIRRANAL REPORT, because the Government to bring your company's assessment of how to do this REPORT to play how much your company needs the stamp of . when the time our colleagues will ask you how the operation of the comp