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after the establishment of a Hong Kong company , must have its own brand products , so the Hong Kong trademark registration is necessary , then the cost of trademark registration in Hong Kong is how much? Hong Kong companies and organizations to tell your agent .

costs associated with trademark registration in Hong Kong

varieties trademark application fee for the first 2800 yuan . After each type of varieties 1000 yuan payment methods : one-time payment of all contract payments apply ; and if the application for trademark and other registered trademarks are closer to first conduct a trademark search before registration fee of 500 yuan .

Hong Kong companies registered trademark

Note :

according to trademark law, registered trademark is valid for ten years , calculated from the date of approval . Six months before the expiry of the period can be renewed and to pay the renewal fee , each renewal period is still ten years. Unlimited renewals . If this period does not apply , and may be given six months period of grace . If the grace period has not yet proposed renewal of registration , the Trademark Office and to the cancellation of the registered trademark notice .

trademark registration required information :

the applicant's name ; address of the applicant ; the applicant 's nationality or place of incorporation ; applicant nature of the business ; trademark templates ; trademark registration category and commodity / service details.

The establishment of the Hong Kong company has man