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I heard around the slightly different requirements and which know that about the situation in Shanghai.
company registered in New Zealand.

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the three bank charges are listed below for reference LZ:

A, continental deep development and Pudong Development Bank is no startup capital requirements, opening more domestic banks, two banks of the charges is as follows:
①. Internet Banking user fees:
Shanghai Pudong Development: 15USD / Year,
Shenzhen Development: Internet Banking free

②. Annual account management fee:
Shanghai Pudong Development: If the average daily balance reaches 1 million USD, 50USD / year, from the opening 2 of the settlement began.
Shenzhen Development: If the average daily deposits of less than $ 5,000 equivalent of foreign exchange, What is difficult to receive a quarterly account management fees 5USD,
if more open a currency account, then the total management fee calculation.

③. Collection: both free recorded,

④. Transfer:
Shanghai Pudong Development: system: 10USD / pen,
outside the system: 18USD / pen
Shenzhen Development: receiving line is deep and a personal account is 5USD / pen,
receiving bank is a deep-fat fees for offshore account is 0,
receivables line is the other bank account 20USD / pen
[size = 4] [font = Times New Roman _GB2312] [b] Our company is in the [color = Red] Shanghai accounting firm [/ color] , dealt with many mainland companies registered overseas customers need, the desire to help the LZ, although the cost of the establishment of offshore companies is not high, but high-level decisions involving the company, inter-bank business and other areas of the law, so a well-designed optimization scheme is very important that New Zealand's bank account in your specific situation is as follows:

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If you are a pure TT LZ operation, then t