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_4905Just do export company, will receive U.S. what better way?

please recommend it. Thank you

users to answer

[font = Times New Roman _GB2312] [size = 3] [color = Blue] are the offshore company account domestic companies from foreign exchange control account, so LZ may wish to use offshore companies to accept foreign exchange. [/ Color] [/ size] [/ font]

; HK 50
autopay (per transaction) HKD 0.55
export wire - outside Hong Kong ; HK 110
remitted by telegraphic transfer to mainland China - HK 80 members of the HSBC Group
wire transfer fees included in the text of the additional draft application for exemption
; HK 75 HK promissory
40 per application

55 per account credit to debit HK

Account management fee exemption
[b] [size = 7] [color = Red] nations Consulting Group [/ color] [/ size] [/ b] professional answer:

[size = 5] LZ set up offshore companies may be considered to offshore company name, set off

bank account because of offshore accounts, offshore accounts are not subject to

foreign exchange controls are free money to play money!

further information, please contact our call! [/ Size]
up offshore companies to open foreign currency accounts, foreign currency receipt and payment free. Reasonable tax avoidance.
[B] [font = Times New Roman _GB2312] [size = 5] [color = DarkRed] LZ :

can set up a foreign company and then open a bank account, which is very convenient to receive foreign exchange.

most important thing is credibility with customers will be higher. Specific details of the consultation you can add me QQ [/ color] [/ size] [/ font] [/ b]
LZ, Hello, you first register an offshore company can then set up an offshore account to accept U.S. dollars
[size = 5] [color = blue] [b] direct offshore company [/ b] [/ color] [/ size]
[size = 5] [color = blue] [b] can be freedom in mainland China and Hong Kong to open offshore accounts [/ b] [/ color] [/ size]
[size = 5] [color = blue] [b] Well, at any time to open an ac